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HomeTACCM By-Laws



Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the Texas Association of Community College Marketers (TACCM).

Section 2.
The purposes of this organization are to:

  1. Play a leadership role in promoting the excellence of public community and technical college students, people, programs and services.

  2. Pool the wealth of knowledge and experience of communications, public relations and marketing professionals in communicating the value of Texas’ public community and technical colleges to all Texans, including legislators.

  3. Advise and provide technical assistance in public relations, public information, marketing and related areas at the request of statewide organizations.

  4. Serve as a central public relations, public information and marketing resource and provide special counsel and assistance on major projects relating to the advancement of public community and technical colleges in Texas.

  5. Contribute to the professionalism of public relations, marketing and public information services in Texas public community and technical colleges.

  6. Provide collaborative support for marketing, advertising and public relations events and initiatives for the promotion of education in Texas public community and technical colleges.

  7. Provide professional growth and development opportunities to those engaged in public relations, marketing and public information in Texas public community and technical colleges.


Section 1. This organization shall be a nonprofit organization, operated exclusively for the purposes specified in Article I above.

Section 2. Officers and other Board members shall not receive any monetary compensation for their services but may, with the approval of the Board of Directors, be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

Section 3. Nothing herein shall constitute members of TACCM as partners for any purpose. No member, officer or agent of TACCM shall be liable for the acts or failure to act on the part of any member, officer or agent for his/her acts or failure to act under these bylaws, except only acts or omissions to act arising out of willful misfeasance.

Section 4. The organization shall use its funds to accomplish only the purposes specified in Article I, above, and no part of said funds shall inure or be distributed to members.

Section 5.
In the event of dissolution of the organization, and after the discharge of all liabilities, the remaining assets shall be given to a qualifying 501 (C)(3) organization designated by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Section 1.
There shall be four classes of membership:

  1. Regular membership shall be restricted to persons actively employed by or retired from any Texas public community or technical college engaged in any aspect of marketing, recruiting, public relations, publications, public information, development and fundraising, promotion, advertising, sports information, community relations or governmental relations. The organization will offer both individual and institutional memberships.

  2. Ex-officio membership shall be conferred by the Board of Directors.

  3. Associate membership shall be for persons who do not meet the criteria for regular membership but wish to be associated with TACCM.

  4. Honorary memberships may be conferred by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. The right to hold office shall be limited to regular members in good standing. The right to vote shall be limited to regular and ex-officio members.


Section I.
Dues shall be fixed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present and shall be communicated to the membership no less than 30 days before any change in dues is to take effect.

Section 2.
Dues shall be payable in advance annually. The Board of Directors may establish a system of collecting dues that can include dues being included in the cost for individuals attending the annual conference of TACCM. Individuals may also join and pay dues without attending the annual conference.

Section 3.
Any member whose dues are unpaid for 30 days past September 1 shall no longer be considered a member of TACCM, provided such members have been duly notified and given the opportunity to renew the membership.

Section 4.
The terms of membership and officers of the organization, along with its fiscal year, shall run from September 1 to August 31. Dues are not prorated. 


Section 1.
TACCM Board of Directors will consist of:

Executive Committee: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Past President

Board Members: Public Relations Director, Web and Social Media Director, Membership Director, Mentor Director, Legislative Director, North Texas Regional Director, Central Texas Regional Director, East Texas Regional Director, West Texas Regional Director, South Texas Regional Director, Southeast Texas Regional Director

Other representatives shall serve as ex-officio board members, as determined by the Board of Directors, including representation from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Texas Association of Community Colleges, and the Texas Education Agency.

Section 2.
Governance of the organization is vested in the Board of Directors. The board shall exercise powers vested in it by these Bylaws.

Section 3.
The Board of Directors will meet on a regular basis, as specified by a vote of the Board at its annual organizational meeting. An annual meeting shall take place during the annual TACCM conference. Special meetings may take place at the call of the President, of any members relevant to the issues(s) at hand and may suggest solutions and courses of action to the full Board of Directors.

Section 4.
A quorum shall consist of one third of the Board of Directors for the purpose of transacting any business on behalf of TACCM.

Section 5.
Board Member Vote by Proxy – Board members unable to attend a meeting may submit their vote(s) in writing to the President prior to the meeting. The President shall deliver all proxy votes at the meeting.

Section 6.
Executive Committee – The Officers of the Board of Directors shall serve as the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee includes the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President. The Executive Committee will be charged with conducting the day-to-day business of TACCM based on the votes of the Board of Directors. They may suggest solutions and courses of action to the full Board of Directors.

Section 7.
All actions of the Board shall be taken by a majority vote of those board members present, except for the proposal of amendments to these Bylaws, which shall require a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 8.
Disbursements will be made in accordance with the annual budget adopted by the Board. Any necessary expenditures outside of the adopted budget require prior approval of the Executive Committee of TACCM.


Section 1.
The President shall be the principal officer of TACCM and shall serve in a one-year term. The President shall preside at meetings and give notice of and set the agenda for meetings. The President shall also, at the annual meeting and at other times deemed proper, communicate to the organization and/or the Board of Directors such information or such proposals as would tend to promote the welfare and increase the usefulness and prosperity of the organization and its members. Further, the President shall perform such other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the President and shall represent TACCM in all public matters.   

Section 2. Vice President is an elected position with a one-year term and is required to be a current or past board member within the past three years. The Vice President shall serve as chair of the annual TACCM Conference and will assume the role of President upon completion of his or her term. In the event of the President’s temporary absence, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. The Vice President shall assist the President as needed.

Section 3.
Secretary is an elected position with a two-year term every odd number of years. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the organization and shall record and distribute records of all proceedings to the Board of Directors. The Secretary also shall maintain the organization's correspondence files and shall provide safekeeping for all documents deemed by the Board of Directors as important, less financial documents which are to be secured with the Treasurer. The Secretary shall assist the Board of Directors or the President as needed.

Section 4.
Treasurer is an elected position with a two-year term every even number of years. The Treasurer shall collect the annual dues and maintain a record of all sums received and expended for the use of the organization and shall make disbursement according to the annually approved budget or as authorized by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall deposit all funds received in a financial institution approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Funds may be drawn from this account only upon the signature of the Treasurer or the President. The Treasurer shall assist the Board of Directors or President as needed.

Section 5.
The Past President shall provide continuity and advice where appropriate, finalize incomplete projects from the previous year, assist the President and Board of Directors, and serve as chair of the Nominating Committee for Board elections. The Past President shall assist the Board of Directors or President as needed. The Past President shall serve a one-year term.

Section 6.
The Membership Director is an elected position with a two-year term for every odd number of years. The Membership Director is responsible for coordination of membership procedures for TACCM members and for providing various information to the membership and prospects.

Section 7.
The Legislative Director is an elected position with a two-year term for every even number of years. The Legislative Director is responsible for monitoring pending legislation, conducting research, giving advice and counsel, and making recommendations on matters affecting community and two-year colleges at the legislative level. 

Section 8.
The Mentor Director is an elected position with a two-year term for every odd number of years. The Mentor Director is responsible for providing guidance, leadership and support to the Regional Directors. This position requires at least one year experience in a leadership role with TACCM.

Section 9.
The Web & Social Media Director is an elected position with a two-year term for every even number of years. The Web Social Media Director shall maintain the TACCM website and social media accounts, create a social media strategy in accordance with the Board goals, and track social media metrics. The Web & Social Media Director shall assist the Board of Directors or the President as needed.

Section 10.
The Public Relations Director is an elected position with a two-year term for every odd number of years. The Public Relations Director is responsible for developing and distributing TACCM messages to both internal and external audiences. The PR Director will compile a quarterly electronic newsletter to keep members informed of what is happening within the organization and assist with other internal communication (conference, social media, etc.) as needed. The PR Director will also write and distribute approved press releases on behalf of the TACCM organization.

Section 11.
A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled automatically by the Vice President. A vacancy in the office of the Vice President shall be filled by the Nominating Committee process with a majority vote of the membership. Vacancies among other offices and directors shall be filled as the Board of Directors may decide.

Section 12.
Any officer or director failing to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors without cause shall be subject to dismissal from the office upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Said officer or director shall be notified in writing of the intended dismissal prior to such action by the Board.

Section 13.
All officers will either chair or co-chair a sub-committee for the TACCM Conference Committee, chaired by the Vice President.


Section 1.
The Board of Directors will establish committees as needed.

Section 2.
Standing Committees – Unless otherwise specified, the members of standing committees shall serve for a period of one year. They shall be appointed by the President, with approval of the Executive Committee. Committee members may be reappointed. The standing committees shall be:

a. Audit Committee b. Conference Committee c. Nominating Committee

Section 3.
The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President.


Section 1
. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Past President as chair of the committee and three members in good standing. No member of the Nominating Committee, with the exception of the Past President, shall be eligible to hold office during that forthcoming term of office. The committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for each office, with the exception of Past President and President.

Section 2.
All candidates for elective office shall have been regular members of TACCM in good standing for at least six months prior to beginning their terms in office.

Section 3.
The Nominating Committee shall make its report at the annual TACCM conference, after which nominations may be made from the floor by regular members. The final slate of candidates shall then be circulated to all members at the annual TACCM conference. The candidates shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast by regular members in good standing. Each Officer and Director shall take office at the board and transition meeting in September and shall serve a term of two years and until a successor is elected and installed.

Section 4
. The month of September shall annually serve as a transition period for new Officers and Directors, who should utilize this period to attend the Board of Directors’ meetings and otherwise learn the responsibilities of their elected positions.


Section 1
. The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order shall govern TACCM in all cases where they are applicable, except when they conflict with these established Bylaws.


Section 1.
Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Board of Directors by two- thirds vote. The proposed amendment(s) must be in writing and shall be sent to the membership two weeks prior to the voting date.

Section 2.
A majority vote of the membership participating on the voting date shall be necessary for adoption of the Bylaws.


Section 1.
These Bylaws become effective upon their adoption by the membership of TACCM, October 2019, and supersede any and all Bylaws or other regulations until then in force.


Date 07/14/21 TACCM President, Nick Alvarado


Date 07/14/21 TACCM Secretary, Cindy Smith